My Iguazu Falls

All the pictures and video on this page are mine.  Sorry if the page loads slow.  It is worth the wait. 

Here we are early in the day at Devils Throat.  It was already getting busy. 

My Iguazu Falls

January 2020, just before the Covid-19 lockdowns we visited Bogata Columbia (where they closley inspected Janice’s passport because less then 12 months prior, we were in China.  Nerve racking entrance into Columbia; but this is not about Columbia.  We flew onto San Paulo, spend the day, then took a one hour flight to Foz, that took almost two hours as we circled and circuled around above the rain forest over Paraguy, Brazil and Argentina.  We got a great areal tour.  The falls…..later….

Some of my Favorite Pictures of Iguazu

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