My 2022 Year - #7 of the Wonders of the World

My 2022 - When will Covid end?

2021 quietly fizzled out and January 2022 included a fun trip to Las Vegas for almost the entire Family.  The trip was touted as a birthday bas for Janice and me, and we had a great time.  Food, Van Gough and a cool escape room.  Planning on Israel and Jordan this year if the pandemic and Israel cooperates.  Oh and Janice and I both finally got covid and recovered. Not fun. .

American Blade Smith Org

March 2022.  Went to Mexico and Phoenix to a knife making and forging seminar.  Met some of the world recognized experts on steel and knives.  Mexico was just a covid trip. 

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Israel and Jordan Adventure

First to Israel

Then on To Jordan


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