My 2021 Year - Turkey & Egypt

My 2021 Year Highlights
2020 ended as we got tested for covid-19 and then left for Morocco. So, my 2021 Started out in Morocco on New Year’s Day. Many things were closed, but it just meant there were fewer tourists. A lot fewer. In fact we those of us who were there, when we saw each other, we usually stopped and talked. Even along the roadside. It was a bizarre situation in Morocco. Later in April we had our big family camp out in Moab. Betsey finally got her college graduation gift / trip when Janice, Betsey and I went to Turkey and Egypt. The European, Asian, AFrica Trip.
The rest of the story: about an hour after that picture above showing the switchback was taken, I experienced a little mishap on my motorcycle. A combination of poor packing, the result of not having the paniers or saddlebags on my motorcycle, along with unusual slope and curve and just a mistake on my part, cause me to go down hard. I was a little concussed and disoriented, so it made for an exciting remainder of the day. Things worked out well however. Zack and Ben took very good care of me and we stayed in a very beautiful hotel and later had a nice walk through the Dades. We slowed down a little bit and smelled the roses. Zack got a little too stressed out, but it all worked out well.
2nd Adventure of 2021
October was Turkey and Egypt with Janice and Betsey
The October 2021 European, Asia, Africa trip*..
Despite the fact that covert was still raging, we planned our trip to Egypt. It was Betsy’s wish for her graduation gift and trip and so we just decided to do it. We managed to also get a stopover in Turkey for a couple of days, in Istanbul to see the blue Mosque, haggis Sophia and other sites. By far the biggest challenge was understanding rules as they changed related to immunization and testing. The layover in Turkey allowed us to get tested at the airport, where they have expedited testing. Because Janice and I have been immunized, our testing was less stringent. But Betsy has not been immunized and so she had to get testing done within a short period of time of entering Egypt. And getting back out was much the same. Fortunately a company developed a test which you can take with you, and with an Internet connection and video, you can take the coved test. However, leaving Egypt was somewhat of a challenge because the ticket agent did not believe that we actually had a test done the night before. Finally we convinced him and everything was well but we were almost not allowed to leave Egypt to get into Turkey. By taking the tests late the night before in Egypt we were able to use the same test all the way through to the United States. Covert testing was more stressful to me than arranging flights, hotels and good restaurants. And only because things changed constantly and people interpreted things different or not at all. Rules were enforced improperly or not enforced at all. Colossal mess.
* When we were in Turkey we decided to name the trip the “European, Asian, Africa Trip” because technically we visited all three continents. Istanbul, a fascinating city built on two Continents, divided by the Bosphorus Strait.
is in Europe, and we took a ferry across the Bosphorus Strait, then continued on to Africa to Egypt. The European, Asia and Africa trip of 2021 was fantastic. Starting with Turkey, a transcontinental country located mainly on Anatolia in Western Asia, with a portion on the Balkans in Southeast Europe. Istanbul, a fascinating city built on two Continents, divided by the Bosphorus Strait. Amazing things to see fantastic food and an interesting culture.
Leaving Utah for Turkey
Just tossing in pictures for now

What would a trip to Luxor be without a visit to McDonalds?

On our little Nile river boat tour, we were graciously allowed to use a bathroom in the caretakers home on little farm where the restaurant grew their food. A family lived there and there was a little toddler who at first looked at Betsy and then reacted. Not sure why but it was totally funny. Use the slider to go back and forth and compare.

On our little Nile river boat tour, we were graciously allowed to use a bathroom in the caretakers home on little farm where the restaurant grew their food. A family lived there and there was a little toddler who at first looked at Betsy and then reacted. Not sure why but it was totally funny. Use the slider to go back and forth and compare.