My 2020 Year

My 2020 Year Highlights

The year 2020 for me started out like any other. Planning some trips to South America, France, and Israel.  It was going to be a full slate.  A few months earlier earlier I was in Wuhan After taking a cruise on the Yangtze River and seen the three gorges Dam.  I didn’t realize that Wuhan is a city the size of New York City, and that there are 20 or 25 cities in China about the same. But Wuhan is very isolated. A perfect place to launch  a biological war. While in China during the previous year  it became clear to me that the Chinese and American ex-pats there saw what was going on as a trade war. Emphasis on war. Companies were shutting down, moving operations, the trump administration’s attempts to level the playing field for international trade meant that China had to make changes, and they were fighting it. I’m glad I wasn’t in Wuhan a year later because it became the epicenter of the first biological war unleashed on the world by China. Hopefully the last. Now that statement may be bold, but I think history will bear it out.  In January Janice and I took a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Rio, some Apollo, Columbia and the highlight was Iguazu falls on the border of Argentina Paraguay and Brazil. We stayed for a few days on the Argentinian side and then moved back across to the Brazilian side. We stayed in hotels that were in each side of the parks. We also took a little daytrip into Paraguay, which was pretty much a disaster. But I could say I been Paraguay for what it’s worth. Visit the following pages for Iguazu. We also did a really fun family camping trip in south-central Utah to what’s called 12 mile pass. It was an adventure in the first hopefully of many camping trips as a family. Or at least all those who can come.  Election too.   

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