My 2016 Year

My 2016 Year Highlights

In May we rented an apartment in Florence for a Week and a month in Rome.  We explored Italy.  I worked in the mornings and the evenings and we saw almost everything there was to see in Rome.  Trips to Venice and South when we had time.  

In December of 2016 we did a “Round the world” trip to pick up Betsey.  We flew From Salt Lake City to Beijing and spent a couple of days there,  then flew to Vladivostok Russia and picked up Betsy. Then we flew towards Moscow stopping in Irkusk for a couple of days.  Then from Irkusk to Moscow for a day and then on to London, where we spent a few days. Then we took the train from London to Paris to site see for a few days, then flew home from Paris to Salt Lake City.  Around the world. Quite the trip.





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