Car Rental Info

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Info and Links for Domestic and International Car Rental.  Why this picture?   I had a little accident just minutes after taking this picture. 

Most of the information below I have taken from websites like  They are the experts.  Use my link to check them out and help support this site.  No cost to you.  They can save you a lot of money and get you better coverage.  Rental companies tend to charge more and exclude the most common things that get damaged like windshields, tires and the under carriage.  When I Rented a car in Ukraine, I was so glad I bought extra insurance.  The roads there can be great or the worst in the world.  I hit a pothole in Ivano-Frankivsk I thought for sure I bent the wheel.    In Guatemala, the bumps were literally shaking the trim inside the car off.  We just tossed them in the back and put them back on before we turned the car in.  In Italy, I wish I could have had speeding and parking ticket insurance….lol.  But I did have peace of mind about the car.   What I cover here is for Me, an American renting a car outside the USA where my own insurance does not cover, and the credit card insurance many not be accepted from the rental company without a certificate.  And even if you have it, they may not take it.  

Renting a car outside your home country? Sort out the insurance and warranty protection before you go, and you’ll get better coverage at a better price and peace of mind. Insurance products and full protection products may differ based on where you live and where you’re going.  

Simple explanation:  Rental car insurance is coverage that protects people when they drive a rental car. You can get rental car insurance through your personal insurance policy, from your credit card benefits, or from the rental car company itself. Depending on the policy, rental car insurance may cover damage to the vehicle, damage or injuries that you cause, your own injuries, theft, and loss of personal items.

Rick Steves offers a good explanations here.
And another here.

And here is a link to get really well priced insurance options.

Insurance on YOUR Rental Car

There are many names for this category of insurance.  And many levels of coverage.  But think in terms of damage to the rental car.  NOT the other cars or things you could hit.  That is the next section.  
Names include   CDW for “Collision Damage Waiver”, “Collision Protection”  or a “Collision Damage Plan” or “Rental Vehicle Damage Coverage”.  This is coverage (or waiver) for collision damage, theft or vandalism.  Or repairs for other damage.  It may exclude damage caused by weather other odd events.  EMP or Nuclear war.  Think about this like your personal auto insurance and comparable to your  “Collision and comprehensive insurance” coverage.  Watch for the dollar deductable for the Waiver,  because it could be high. 

Insurance on OTHER THINGS You can Damage with the Rental Car

Usually called Rental Car Liability Insurance or “3rd Party Liability Insurance”    Liability insurance covers damage to other vehicles, property and people as a result of accidents you cause when driving your rental car. Note that this does not cover you, your passengers or the rental vehicle itself.   Many countries, nearly all European countries require it and include it as a part of the car rental, so check and make sure.  

Insurance on your Life and Belongings

One is Personal Accident Insurance.  It  covers the medical costs for injuries to anyone in your rental vehicle during an accident. Many rental companies in the U.S., include “personal effects” coverage within personal accident insurance.  I get this coverage with my Travel insurance.  Personal Effects Coverage:  Covers things  such as clothing and luggage – stolen from the rental vehicle, or lost when a rental vehicle is stolen, are covered by this option. Expensive electronics (especially cameras) may be subject to limits and exclusions.  Comparable to: Homeowner’s and renter’s insurance and I usually have as a part of good travel insurance. 

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